RCSD 2018 Call for Abstracts - Deadline; 1/24/2018
Abstract applications are no longer being accepted. For questions about late submissions or other ways to participate, please call 203 -536-4695
Live Green Connecticut and Grace Farms Foundation , will co-host the Regional Conference on Sustainable Development (RCSD) on Februay 7th at Grace Farms in New Canaan, CT. Abstract submission may be submitted HERE.
If you would like to present at the conference, you must submit an abstract as directed below. The conference is also open to observers (i.e. non-presenters). Simply register on the conference website to join us.
The conference theme is Regional Collaboration: Working Together for Sustainable Development. The aim of the conference is to bring together persons involved in research, policy, practice, houses of worship, non-profit organizations, community groups, government, and business. Participants will share practical solutions for achieving the SDGs at local and regional levels. Abstracts should be directly relevant to one of the following Topics. We have a large number of topics on offer this year, several focusing on specific Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Poverty Eradication, Social Protection, and Equality in the SDGs
Health Economics
Health and Sustainable Development
Education for Sustainable Development: An Issue of Consciousness and Values
Gender and Sustainable Development
Sustainable Use of Water Resources
Water, Energy, and Agriculture in the Context of Climate Change and the SDGs
Affordable and Clean Energy through Life Cycle Thinking
Sustainable Development Challenges in Urban Areas (Climate, Water, Natural Resources, Transportation, etc.)
Fostering Equity and Social Inclusion in Cities
Sustainable Consumption and Production
The Arts as a Tool to Raise Awareness of the SDGs
Interested presenters should submit an application - available HERE. Each abstract may only be submitted once and under one topic.
The scientific committee will review abstracts and send all decision notifications by January 27th, 2018. Presenters invited to give oral presentations must submit the full presentation by February 3rd, 2018 in order to maintain their position in the program. Presenters failing to submit full presentations will not be able to present at this year's RCSD. Presenters who do not register before the February 4th, 2018, deadline will lose their place on the agenda. Each presenter is allotted 10 minutes.
Qualified presenters will have the opportunity to have their work listed on the Live Green CT Website.
Abstract Timeline:
October 1, 2018 Call for Abstracts Open
January 24th, 2918 - Deadline for Submission of Abstracts
January 25th, 2018 - Abstract Decision Letters Emailed
February 3, 2018, - Submission of Full Presentations - Due
February 4th, 2018 - Registration Deadline for Presenters